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"Caroline" is a powerful and thought-provoking short film that tells the story of a single mother, desperately trying to secure a job to provide for her family. When her childcare falls through, she is forced to leave her six-year-old daughter, the titular Caroline, in the car outside with her two younger siblings on an extremely hot summer day. The film's co-writers and directors, George and Held, have expertly crafted a story that evokes sympathy and understanding for the mother's predicament while also highlighting the gravity and severity of her actions.
The film is presented from the point-of-view of Caroline, which allows for a slow build-up to the gravity of the situation. Through her innocence and young perspective, the audience can understand the mother's struggles and the pressure she is under. However, the film also forces the audience to question whether there are ever excuses for such actions. The film creates a real conflict for its audience and invites them to question their own moral compass.
One of the key factors that contributes to the film's success is its believability. To ensure the relationships on screen felt authentic and genuine, George and Held moved in with the family of the three siblings to establish a comfortable dynamic, primarily between Held (who portrays the mother) and Caroline. This method paid off with outstanding performances from both the fictional mother and daughter. The young actor's portrayal of the character Caroline is especially noteworthy, as she manages to convey a multitude of conflicting emotions that are both heart-wrenching and endearing.