cris gris

In order to heal her grieving mother, a devout 9-year-old girl pushes her faith to its limit in hopes of divine intervention.

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In "San Miguel," a young girl turns to prayer and faith to cope with the grief and loss of her mother. When her prayers for divine intervention are not answered, she must find other ways to help her family heal.
The film, set in the director's hometown of Monterrey, Mexico, showcases the natural performances of its actors and the authentic depiction of its location, including the deep faith and devotion of the community and its stunning fireworks displays.
San Miguel (2019)
The film was Cris Gris's 2019 thesis project at NYU Tisch School of the Arts, for which she received a student grant from the National Board of Review.
The film's success speaks to Gris's talent as a filmmaker, even before graduating from school. The cinematography, by Sheldon Chau, adds to the film's beauty and depth. "San Miguel" explores the ways in which people cope with loss and grief, and the role that faith and community can play in the healing process.

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