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In the 15-minute short film "Christy," the titular character is introduced sitting on an abandoned sofa in a field chatting with his friends. It is clear that Christy has limited opportunities in life. His future prospects hinge on a job interview the following day, and he turns down the chance to party with his friends in favor of seeking help from his brother.
Director Brendan Canty aimed to create a universal, authentic story with "Christy." The film is filled with charm and hope, turning what could have been a depressing tale into an engaging and entertaining watch. Canty based the film on a real conversation he had with a group of teenagers in 2015, who he observed had charm and capability but also low self-esteem. He credits this contrast, and the photos he took that night, as a major influence on the film's narrative. While "Christy" falls within the social realism genre, it also has a sense of humor and presents a more hopeful outlook than similar stories.